Analysis of to an Athlete Dying Young Essays Analysis of to an Athlete Dying Young Paper Analysis of to an Athlete Dying Young Paper Essay Topic: A. E. Housman Poems Analysis of “To an Athlete Dying Young” In his poem “To an Athlete Dying Young”, A. E. Housman makes a quite different approach on death. People have different perspectives on death, but more often than not, it is viewed as an undesirable event that people wish to avoid. The speaker in the poem, however, praises a young and famous athlete for dying before he became old and forgotten. This can be interpreted two very different ways. One can assume Housman believes that the only way for athletes to capture the glory is to die when at the peak of their careers. One might criticize him for having such a pessimistic view of life, but we must realize that we are among many people who give those athletes the feeling of disgrace as they are no longer praised for being people’s heroes.

lysis of to an Athlete Dying Young Essays


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