Boomer Job Search Marc Miller of Career Pivot discussed issues faced by Baby Boomers in job search. Boomer Job Search Certainly age discrimination is one problem older job seekers face, but there are other underlying issues. Employers are afraid the older candidate wont be able to adapt to the new work environment very quickly, will lack key technical skills or will coast until they retire. There is also the issue that older job seekers are more expensive. (Right or wrong- perception is reality.) Marc is a Baby Boomer himself and during our discussion he outlines things job seekers should know and do to better adapt and succeed in job search. What is the top issue Baby Boomers have with the new world of job search? How often are Boomers ready to change jobs? Why should Boomers incorporate Twitter into their job search? We spent time talking about consulting and the pros and cons of being self-employed. We also talked about the power of Twitter (and social media) which enables everyone to easily start conversations with more people.