Globalization, Technology, and Marketing - Essay Example A manager should be keen on finding out innovative technology according to the requirements of time. As companies are many, consumers will be offered quality goods at cheaper rates, so managers must try hard to retain their existing customers with high variety of want satisfying goods. Though the adoption of machineries and most modern technologies seems to be of much capital expenditure, they will compensate all these and hold good in the long run. In addition to products, the customers are to be provided with most valued services to win their loyalty. The ever changing business environment also demands it. As Saaksvuori and Immonen (2008, pp. 208-211) point out, since a technology based company has rather comprehensive technologic strategy, the management will be concerned about setting up a technological framework which will be distinct from other companies for production and manufacturing in the future. Once the production is completed, goods must reach the market to be distributed among the potential customers.