Post-Modernist Architecture - Coursework Example
In postmodern period, which is inherently marked by capitalistic symbolism of faade -the media is speaking in the background of the architecture A very genuine question emerges which requires an investigation; has faade become architecture or does the architecture become faade. The marriage of facade and architecture to target new consumerism is outstanding phenomenon of the new age and new culture.
Chapter 1: Post-Modernist Approach to Architecture and Advertising: The post modernism is marked by strong cultural change which is reflected in the collective practices in the art, architecture, society, politics, ethics and the connectivity. It is a notion of more global expression which desires for quick attention and immediate results. The impact of post modernism is global as it's impact is seen and felt not just on one section of society rather the force of impact is felt on a much wider range including aesthetics and other dimensions of societies manifested in global sphere.
Post-Modernist Architecture Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words
2020. 3. 10. 13:08