SRM University Offering Dual Degree For PhD Students As of late, SRM University, Chennai, India has started to lead the pack to present coordinated, adaptable double degree program for PhD understudies with a mean to make advanced education more industry driven and charm more understudies to concentrate on two unique degrees in equal, in various nation and college. All understudies seeking after PhD in SRM University will presently get the chance to gain two degrees in equal, the second from Japan's Shizuoka University, authorities of college said..push({}); Audit Sending Client Review0 (0 votes) The idea of double degree for PhD understudies is absolutely new and steadily getting well known in the country, as picking up degrees from more than one nation and college is viewed as a favorable position in the work commercial center today, the authorities further included. With the dispatch of double degree idea, SRM University is headed to set patterns for others to follow.

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