Social Networking Marketing - Essay ExampleMarketing on social networking or social media platforms has its own advantages because of the uniqueness offered by the internet (Keller and Berry, 2003). It is much easier to judge the effectiveness of a marketing campaign as well as ensure its reach to a very high population. Hence, marketing through the social media and social networks has become very important. However, as this method of marketing is becoming increasingly popular, various scholars and researchers have had concerns around ethical implications. Many marketers also feel very sceptical about the way in which it is difficult to preserve ethics followed in conventional form of marketing, when it comes to social networking marketing (Li, 2008). In this research, the attempt is to find out what are the ethical implications of social networking marketing and how it impacts the ‘4Ps’ – product price, promotion and place of marketing. The study would explore how this new age marketing has ethical implications on the traditional methods of marketing.

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