What Led to the Loss of Many lives During the Waco Siege - Research Paper ExampleThe result of the 51-day siege resulted in the deaths of more than 80 people including 4 ATF agents. The 4 agents died due to gunfire exchange with the members of the Cult on the first day of the raid. The agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms had waited until the last day of the expiry of the warrant issued by a Texas judge on the Mount Carmel establishment. Surviving members of the Koresh organization have always blamed the ATF and the federal officials for the handling of the situation. The justice department, which came under fire after the events have always pointed the finger at the Branch Davidian’s and their suicidal attempts for the massacre.... The report suggests that Koresh had wives who were in teen years and the raid was carried out in order to save the young children. Evidence also suggests that Koresh punished the children in the compound and told them it was a privilege for them to have sex with him. Food was also withheld from children who went against his orders.

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