Pollution - Essay Example By steps taken for eliminating toxic substances from production process and by diminishing production of harmful materials people can safeguard the environment and human health. Different forms of pollution Air pollution Air pollution can be caused when pollutants like carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen and also materials like dust, smoke and compounds of lead are emitted directly into the atmosphere. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (49% to 55%), chlorofluorocarbons (14% to 25%), methane (12% to 18%), nitrous oxides and other gases (13% to 19%). Some natural sources of air pollution are volcanoes, forest fires, “oceans, swamps, lakes, vegetative matter and insects” (Faiz, Sinha, Walsh and Varma, 1990, p. 3). Other sources which are caused by human activities are fuel like coal and wood burning and most importantly transport which is a major contributor towards air pollution. All the pollutants get dispersed in the air and pollution is measured by the mass of the pollutants per volume of air.

Ancient Rome Essay During the Han Empire of China and the Roman Empire of the Mediterranean World were both had advanced technology for their time. Han China’s attitude toward manufacturing and labor was more positive than the Romans who had a more class divided society, therefore causing attitudes toward labor and technology to be looked down upon. The Hans respect technology and the people who use it. In China, 2nd century B. C. E. a government official stated that he wanted to organize their labor force with the use of technology so they could help to prevent a disaster from occurring when and if a flood takes place. This could help the people from getting hurt and their property from getting destroyed (Doc. 1). Huan Guan, a Han government official during the first century B. C. E. was concerned about the lack of technology and poor government policy that is affecting the people.

Business plan for a fruit processing company Our Business Plan will be about fruit processing. This will reduce fruits post harvesting loss through processing fruits in syrups and concentrates. This will help middle and low income eaners as we find there is high need of fresh fruits juice as many of fresh fruits juice are imported and sold in high price which normal Tanzania citizen cant afford. Our company will be situated in Korogwe Tanga where there are many firms. Company has three partners, Mildred, Sophia and Saja.

Imagery in Flying a Red Kite and The Lamp at Noon Imagery is used by many authors as a crucial element of character development. These authors draw parallels between the imagery in their stories and the main characters' thoughts and feelings. Through intense imagery, non-human elements such as the natural environment, animals, and inanimate objects are brought to life with characteristics that match those of the characters involved. Sinclair Ross uses vivid imagery of nature to reflect and influence the emotions of his characters in his short story The Lamp at Noon. The wind is a powerful force that changes with the emotions of Ellen and Paul. Sinclair describes the wind as two separate winds: "the wind in flight, and the wind that pursue[s]" (Atwood/Weaver, 74). Like the wind in flight which cannot escape the wind that pursues it, Ellen cannot escape her isolation. The wind in flight always returns to "quake among the feeble eaves, as if in all this dust-mad wilderness it knew no other sanctuary" (74).

Justice at the Scaffold in The Scarlet Letter         Richard Harter Fogle acknowledges the aspect of the superhuman as "the sphere of absolute insight, justice, and mercy: few of Hawthorne's tales and romances can be adequately considered without taking it into account" ("Realms of Being and Dramatic Irony" 309). This superhuman aspect surfaces through Divine Justice in The Scarlet Letter. On the other hand, the merely human application of justice emerges through the Puritan laws, or Earthly Justice. The struggle for supremacy in the novel between Earthly and Divine Justice becomes a central theme, reflected in multiple aspects of the plot. However, the focal point in this struggle manifests itself at the scaffold in Boston, where Divine Justice materializes and ultimately triumphs over Earthly Justice.   The thematic struggle at the battleground of the scaffold unfolds and develops through Hawthorne's three scaffold scenes.

Globalization, Technology, and Marketing - Essay Example A manager should be keen on finding out innovative technology according to the requirements of time. As companies are many, consumers will be offered quality goods at cheaper rates, so managers must try hard to retain their existing customers with high variety of want satisfying goods. Though the adoption of machineries and most modern technologies seems to be of much capital expenditure, they will compensate all these and hold good in the long run. In addition to products, the customers are to be provided with most valued services to win their loyalty. The ever changing business environment also demands it. As Saaksvuori and Immonen (2008, pp. 208-211) point out, since a technology based company has rather comprehensive technologic strategy, the management will be concerned about setting up a technological framework which will be distinct from other companies for production and manufacturing in the future. Once the production is completed, goods must reach the market to be distributed among the potential customers.

The Nurses Responsibility in the Prevention of Medication Errors - Essay Example Thus, this area needs careful administration in order to avoid unhappy accidents caused by the medication error. When a student studies in medical higher institution, he/she is told that a healthcare professional should not make any mistakes at all, as they are not excusable in the area of medicine. Everybody makes mistakes but a doctor must not as he/she simply does not have a right to do that. “Any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer” is defined by the newest legislation as a medication error (cited in Preventing Medication Errors). Moreover, medication errors usually lead to court cases. Unfortunately, the number of medication errors in the modern society is very high and tend to increase. The main reasons are the following: Ignorance of drug management rights; The absence of regular drug check.

The chapter 3 of Allen`s Chapter talk about the communication objectives and targeting issues. As the starting point of event planning, the second step is setting communication objectives based on situation analysis and fit with corporate and market objectives. While setting a communication objective, planner could use some tools such as gap analysis and Ansoff matrix within the SMART rules; meanwhile, the objective should follow the communication theory. After that, planner should try to determine and describe target audiences in order to segment these targets. At last, the author segments the target in different lights: individual and decision-making unit, reference groups and opinion leaders etc. Therefore the event planner should take the most appropriate method, media and message to communicate with each group. In the event planning, the author provides some method to manage the information and timing. The author emphasize the important of task controlling—critical path, and provide two tools for event managing—function sheets and contact sheets.

Contemporary Media's Representation of Philosophies, Ideologies, and Theories - PowerPoint Presentation Example With the help of Jim Gordon, Batman and the District Attorney Harvey Dent set out to eliminate the criminal infrastructure that is operating out of the streets. Despite a strong partnership between the two, they find themselves fighting against a reign of chaos that has been unleashed by a rising mastermind in the criminal world, who is known amongst the terrorized people as ‘The Joker’. From the very beginning, the joker succeeds in showing to the world, a horrifying version of evil where all morality is shredded to dust and replaced with lawlessness and hatred. Others associated with the criminals have long been gone, but the name of the Joker remains in the minds of the people especially due to the ambiguity and glamour with which his evil comes with. One could not rely on virtually anything he said and he relishes at the ease with which he gets people including Dent to break rules.

Educational Goals and Philosophy Deciding on a career is a very difficult decision for anyone to make, especially for someone just coming out of high school. I always knew that I wanted to work with children, but I didn’t know what field I wanted to be in. After thinking about what field I could be in that I could work with children the most, I decided to become a teacher. I have always had a great deal of respect for most of the teachers I’ve had and hopefully I will be able to gain that respect from my students. I believe that if you are going to teach, you have to have some degree of love for children. Once any teacher has lost that, I think it is time for them to stop teaching. The two most important things that have inspired me to become a teacher are being able to work with young children all the time and the personal rewards that come with teaching. My biggest goal as a teacher is to make a child want to learn. I believe children in general do want to learn and it is our job as teachers to give them a chance to do that.

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