There are two main goals when it comes to the juvenile justice system: reducing crime and rehabilitation. Status offender’s cases and delinquent cases differ when it comes to processing and when it is time to face a judge in court. A delinquent offense is an act committed by a juvenile for which they can be tried as an adult and be prosecuted in criminal court. Running away from home, truancy, curfew violation and underage drinking are examples of status offenses. They aren’t punished with such harshness as a delinquent offender would. All of these behaviors are not always considered law violations. These behaviors in many states are viewed as indicators that the child is in need of supervision and they often respond to the behavior with the outcome being social services. This different characterization of status offenses causes them to be handled more like dependency than delinquency cases. This is why the juvenile courts should definitely be split into two separate courts. Of course there’s going to be advantages and disadvantages to this process.

The course of study landscape in Singapore has been undergoing important alterations late. It has witnessed about 15 old ages of course of study reform, both structural and curricular. Recently, there is a motion toward school based course of study development that can be seen as a effect of the execution of assorted enterprises on instruction launched increasingly since the mid-1990. The first article negotiations about furthering school based course of study development in the context of new educational enterprises in Singapore. The alterations in course of study besides attributed to Singapore ‘s historical context and colonial intercessions. Further enterprises have besides followed by the opportunity to develop and offer new topics in the normal faculty members and normal proficient watercourse.

Acid-base titration calculations Aim: This experiment is designed to train our skills of calculation in titration as well as help us to be familiar with the procedures of titration. Background: 1. Titration is a technique which involves measuring the volume of one solution which just reacts completely with another solution. 2. A pipette is designed to deliver exactly the same volume each time it is used. 3. A burette is equipment fitted with a tap and is calibrated so as to accurately measure a variable volume of solution. 4. Tire is the volume of the second solution required in titration. Method: The whole experiment is based on computer simulation. To train our calculation skills in titration, two trials are set. One is titration between a strong acid and a strong base. The other is between a weak acid and a strong base. In this experiment, the strong acid is HCl, the strong base is NaOH and the weak acid is CH3COOH. Strong acid and strong base 1. Set up the apparatus. 2. Measure 25ml Ba(OH)2 by pipette. 3. Transfer the Ba(OH)2 into a beaker. 4.

stimation of pH Essay


The Declaration of Independence      “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their justice Powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government” (The Declaration of Independence, Upon these words, the founding fathers of the United States of America declared independence from Great Britain.

Comparing Vulnerability to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among War Veterans and the General Population and Gender Differences in Developing the Disorder - Research Paper Example This criterion was based on the fact that it would be almost impossible to get members of the general public who have been to battlefields, majorly because the number of such participants is merely restricted to victims of war, journalists, and aid workers all of who are deemed to comprise a very small proportion of the population. This decision was also motivated by the fact that in the present survey, none of the non-veteran participants indicated as having served in any warzones for any length of time. Using this criterion, the average length of time spent in warzones by the participants was 12.9 (std. dev. = 19.07) months. While some veteran participants had never been to warzones, the longest amount of time served in such regions by any of the participants was 60 months.

The Internet is network of networks, linking computers to computers sharing the TCP/IP protocols. Each runs software to provide or “serve” information and access and view information. The internet is the transport vehicle for the information stored in files or documents on other computers. It is sometimes compared to a giant international plumbing system. The internet itself does not contain information. What it was found in is one of the computers linked to the internet. The Internet, A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of academic, government, private, business, public networks and, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.

Transcending Herbert Marcuse on Alienation, Art and the Humanities (1) ABSTRACT: This paper discusses how higher education can help us in accomplishing our humanization. It looks at the critical educational theory of Herbert Marcuse, and examines his notion of the dis-alienating power of the aesthetic imagination. In his view, aesthetic education can become the foundation of a re-humanizing critical theory. I question the epistemological underpinnings of Marcuse's educational philosophy and suggest an alternative intellectual framework for interpreting and releasing the emancipatory power of education. "Truth is ugly. We possess art lest we perish of the truth." Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power #822 What is the relationship of truth to beauty, learning to art, political education to human flourishing? Philosophers from Confucius and Aristotle to John Dewey and Paulo Freire have investigated, as the axial human problem, how education is to help us in accomplishing our own humanization.

Introduction Hasn’t everyone at some point in their life been peered pressured. Teenagers all across America face it every day. It ranges from cheating on a test to robbing a convenient store. Peer pressure is a serious life situation that everyone encounters at a certain point in their life. And let’s face it, just say no is not always that easy. Attention Gainer YouTube video, peer pressure. Reason to Listen/Credibility Peer pressure exists for all ages. Three-year-old Robert insists that his mother take him to the store right away and buy him the latest fad toy because his friends have it. When she doesn’t, he has a temper tantrum. Nine-year-old Sarah wears a new shirt to school once, then refuses to wear it again because her friends made fun if it. Jeff, at sixteen, works out three hours a day to have a “perfect” body. When one of his friends at the gym offers him some anabolic steroids, he accepts, sacrificing his health for his image.

Global Marketing In Contrast With Local Marketing Marketing Essay This report analyse the concept of global marketing in contrast with local marketing, examined with the help of different scholars of all time. It has also been advocated that a new concept of glocal marketing has now prevail in the global scenario to comprehend different markets of the world. There are certain issues and challenges companies face when going global which has been explained with the help of contextual determinants of international marketing explained by the renowned theorist of marketing called Porter and Kotler. The determinants are political stability, government policy, ideology driven economy, fear of colonialism, marketing transfer issues, and lack of infrastructure, north-south dichotomy, east-west dichotomy, and product life cycles. There are certain entry modes or global marketing strategies through which companies can do international and global business, like exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries.

The tomb painters were more of artisans than they were artists in ancient Egypt. The reason for this is they didn’t typically come up with the ideas for what they were painting in the tombs; they were told what to paint and painted it. Artists would have had free range on what to paint rather than being told what to paint exactly. Artisans are more the people who can actually paint someone’s idea who might not be able to design or paint the idea given. 2. One rationale reason for cave paintings in prehistoric times, that I have heard and agree with is that they painted these things on the walls in hope that the creatures would come so they would have food among other things. One particular example would be all the paintings in the Las Caux cave in France; it is a cave entirely full of images of bulls. Bulls or bison were a source of not only food but probably clothing and they could use other parts of the body for various things. These animals were extremely important for their culture to survive.

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